Cosmos tellurium, rover, harness, fog chamber, solar system
Physics magnetic pendulums, Magdeburg hemispheres, temperature scales, centrifugal force, color mixing, infrared radiation, RGB light
Geography Ships with route reading. Weather radar. Obstacles. Cyclones.
Biology sodium-potassium pump, pulse oximeter with a drum, models: leaf, human DNA, oak, fish, animals
Water Archimedes' screw, water tower, treatment plant, hydroelectric plants, Bernoullie, submarine, water hourglass, Pascal's scale, models of the aqueduct and Caracali thermal baths, models: Leonardo da Vinci's water machines, saunas, ships
Aircraft helicopter, airship, rotor, balloon, horizon, gyro case, aircraft engines, radar
Universal photoplasticon, periscopes, post from disasters, post: made of aluminum profiles, airport, factory, crossword puzzle
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